The Diverse Realism in Art Movements dataset is a Domain Adaptation dataset for Semantic Segmentation which is comprised from four main art movements: Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Expressionism.

The dataset is used in our paper as a target domain, meaning it has an unlabeled training set and a fully annotated test set. The test annotations follows the guidelines of PASCAL VOC2012 which serves in our paper as the source dataset.

For more info visit the PASCAL dataset website


DRAM covers 11 of the 20 classes used in PASCAL: Bird, Boat, Bottle, Cat, Chair, Cow, Dog, Horse, Person, Potted-Plant, and Sheep. The rest of the classes are considered Background, which is the 12th class of the dataset.

For more info please read Section 3 of our paper.

We offer to download our dataset in two versions: raw and processed.
The raw version holds all DRAM dataset and annotations without additional processing while the processed version holds the dataset as used in our paper. Accompanying our dataset, a repository for processing the raw data, filtering PASCAL dataset and creating pseudo-paintings as described in the paper. See downloads and repo links below.

Terms of Use
This dataset is provided for research purposes only and without any warranty. Any commercial use is prohibited. If you use the dataset or parts of it in your research, you should cite our paper:

@article {ArtSeg-22,
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
title = {{Semantic Segmentation in Art Paintings}},
author = {Cohen, Nadav and Newman, Yael and Shamir, Ariel},
year = {2022},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},
ISSN = {1467-8659},
DOI = {10.1111/cgf.14473}

DRAM Dataset (RAW)

DRAM Dataset (Processed)