List of variables in book_brookdale.dta NAME LABEL married1 married - first interview (92 survey for employment, 94-95 for engineers) schooling years of schooling age_ari age on arrival dt12 ever trained according to surveys 1+2 heb_grade1 Hebrew grade - first interview (92 survey for employment, 94-95 for engineers) heb_grade2 Hebrew grade - second interview (94-95 survey for employment only) hebussr knew Hebrew prior to migration whitec12_q# employed in WC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) bluec12_q# employed in BC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) trainingw12_q# in white training (males) in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) trainingb12_q# in blue training (males) in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) unemp12_q# unemployed in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) dtw12_q# already trained in WC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) dtb12_q# already trained in BC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) qexp12_q# total experience in quarter 1 after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) hw12_q# hourly wage in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) eng_grade English grade tanure months in Israel according to surveys 1+2 hebp_q# predicted level of Hebrew in quarter # after arrival (#=1...20) child181 children under 18 - first interview (92 survey for employment only) training12_q# in training (females) in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) dt12_q# already trained in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) qexpw12_q# experience in WC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) qexpb12_q# experience in BC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) survey name of survey sample sample sex sex num_jobs12 number of jobs in surveys 1+2 status12_q# status in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2 (#=1...20) whitec13_q# employed in WC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2+3 (#=1...40) bluec13_q# employed in BC in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2+3 (#=1...40) training13_q# in training in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2+3 (#=1...40) unemp13_q# unemployed in quarter # after arrival according to surveys 1+2+3 (#=1...40) dt13 ever trained according to surveys 1+2+3 unemployed12 unemployed since arrival according to surveys 1+2 wc_fsu WC in the FSU id unique id, survey + 4 digits id Value labels: survey 1 employment 2 engineers sample 1 only in surveys 1+2 (employment) 3 in all surveys sex 1 male 2 female status12_q# 1 employed in WC 2 employed in BC 4 in training (females) / in white training (males) 5 in blue training (males) 9 unemployed Note: Number of observations is 1,671.